
Welcome to the China-Spain Archive, an open-access, digital archive of textual and visual documents that aim to illustrate interactions between China and Spain from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century.

The items have been selected for their historical significance and/or singularity, and catalogued according to international standards. The Archive also presents virtual exhibits and itineraries, interactive maps, chronologies and bibliographies, which taken together offer a comprehensive narrative about key events, processes, phenomena and characters on the interactions between China and Spain.

The Archive is at present (summer 2020) starting the translation and publication of items and itineraries into English, but the majority of elements are in Spanish.

China-Spain Archive is a work in progress created by the research group ALTER at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Barcelona. It has received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science of Innovation (project HAR2012-34823, 2013-2016) and the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation ("Sino-Spanish Encounters in Taiwanese and European Archives: 1839-1939", 2015-2018).

Research and cataloguing: Xavier Ortells-Nicolau
Coordination: David Martínez-Robles



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